Court Programs
Please contact us to enroll in a program.
Wel-Mor Psychology Group, Inc. offers several different court approved/mandated programs as well as programs that can be attended on a voluntary basis. There are four locations that offer these programs: Newport Beach, Anaheim Hills, Fullerton, and Laguna Hills.
The Director of Wel-Mor is David Welch, Ph.D., who is also a group facilitator of domestic violence groups as well as private therapy. All therapists/counselors working with Wel-Mor are accredited with the proper credentials that pertain to their facilitation/services. Therapists/counselors also continue their education with consistent workshops and regular supervision meetings conducted by Dr. Welch.
The following are the programs offered:
Anger Management is typically a 10, 12, 22, 26 or 52- week program (the length can be adjusted to meet the referring party’s needs) that is either mandated by court/probation or can be attended on a volunteer basis. The group is co-ed and meets once a week for an hour and a half. During the course of the program the client will learn the tools to effectively deal with escalating situations and learn skills to help them manage their own anger impulses. Group discussions include understanding passive, assertive and aggressive behaviors, problem solving techniques, learning the connection between thought, emotions and behaviors, relaxation techniques, timeouts and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Clients must demonstrate that they have mastered the curriculum and the meaning of the curriculum by interacting with the group facilitator and other peers in the group. This program is currently being offered in our Fullerton office.
Locations Offered:

Anaheim Hills
5140 E La Palma Ave, Ste #205
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

1370 Brea Blvd., Ste #224
Fullerton, CA 92835

Laguna Hills
25401 Cabot Road, Ste #212
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Batterer’s Intervention Program is a 52-week program that is either mandated by court/probation or can be attended on a voluntary basis. This program is offered at our agency to male clients in all of our offices and to female clients in our Fullerton office (the groups are gender specific). Over the course of 52 weeks the client meets once a week for a two hour group session. They are randomly drug tested quarterly throughout the program. For our court clients, a progress report is created every 90 days or as court-ordered to show the client’s progress in the program. Included in this report is their attendance, evaluation of the client including acceptance of responsibility, participation, attitude, their use of skills and motivation and any comments the counselor feels that would help or initiate the improvement of the client’s learning. This program is currently being offered in all four of our locations.
The domestic violence program is set up to teach a variety of skills, included but not limited to anger management, impulse control, stress management, relationship skills, communication skills, and problem solving skills. The groups are typically split into two parts, a didactic or skill teaching component and a counseling portion, where client’s issues are explored. Clients in our domestic violence program can be expected to be treated with dignity and respect and are not viewed as “bad” people. Clients are taught that they are not defined by their behaviors, but to identify abusive behaviors and mindsets and are shown how to replace them with more effective and healthy behaviors.
The groups are facilitated by a variety of seasoned professionals, included a Psychologist, licensed Master-level therapists and skilled group counselors with an average range of 15 years of experience each.
NOW OFFERING – Juvenile/Teenager/Adolescent domestic violence support group. If you or your teenager are struggling with significant relationship issues, please contact us to see if our group program would be a good fit.
Locations Offered:
Child Abuser’s Treatment Program is a 52 week program that is either mandated by court/probation or can be attended on a voluntary basis. This program is offered at our agency to both female and male clients. Over the course of 52 weeks the client meets once a week for a two hour group session. Clients who are court-ordered or required by Social Services Agency (SSA) to complete the Child Abusers’ Treatment Program (CAT) are also required to complete a 24-week Parenting Program in addition to their CAT program. They are randomly drug tested throughout the program. For our court or SSA clients, a progress report is created every 90 days or as required to show the client’s progress in the program. Included in this report is their attendance, evaluation of the client including acceptance of responsibility, participation, attitude, their use of skills and motivation and any comments the counselor feels that would help or initiate the improvement of the client’s learning. This program is currently being offered in all of our locations.
The child abuse program is set up to teach a variety of skills, included but not limited to anger management, impulse control, stress management, parenting skills, communication skills, and problem solving skills. The groups are typically split into two parts, a didactic or skill teaching component and a counseling portion, where client’s issues are explored. Clients in our child abuse program can be expected to be treated with dignity and respect and are not viewed as “bad” people. Clients are taught that they are not defined by their behaviors, but to identify abusive behaviors and mindsets and are shown how to replace them with more effective and healthy behaviors.
The groups are facilitated by a variety of seasoned professionals, included a Psychologist, licensed Master-level therapists and skilled group counselors with an average range of 15 years of experience each.
Locations Offered:
Drug Testing – We have the ability to provide a wide range of testing including sweat patch testing, saliva (instant tests) and urine (both instant and laboratory tested) drug testing.
Locations Offered:
Parenting Program is a 24-week program (the length can also be adjusted to meet the referring party’s needs) that is either mandated by court/probation or can be attended on a volunteer basis. The group meets once a week for one and half hours. The program is geared towards increasing the parenting skills of attendees, including but not limited to developmental needs of children; positive discipline techniques; emotional intelligence; anger management, conflict resolution skills and active communication skills; health, safety and supervision measures; step-parenting /blended family issues.
Clients are randomly drug tested throughout the program. For our court or SSA clients, a progress report is created every 90 days or as required to show the client’s progress in the program. Included in this report is their attendance, evaluation of the client including acceptance of responsibility, participation, attitude, their use of skills and motivation and any comments the counselor feels that would help or initiate the improvement of the client’s learning. This program is currently being offered in all of our locations.
Clients in our parenting program can be expected to be treated with dignity and respect and are not viewed as “bad” people. Clients are taught that they are not defined by their behaviors, but to identify abusive behaviors and mindsets and are shown how to replace them with more effective and healthy behaviors.
Locations Offered:
PC1000 Program is only a court mandated program. It is a 32 hour program that consists of an intake, 15 two hour group sessions, a weekly self help meeting, random drug testing and a final exit interview. During these groups the client will learn about their addiction and how it affects them mentally, physically and the people around them. Relapse prevention is taught during several groups to ensure the tools to continued sobriety. This program is offered at our Newport Beach and Laguna Hills locations.
Locations Offered:

1370 Brea Blvd., Ste #224
Fullerton, CA 92835
PC1210 (formerly the Prop 36/SACPA) Program is either a court referred or parole referred drug program. The program consists of two tracks. Track 1 clients will drug test 6 times over the course of 4 months and will be required to show evidence of attendance of 3 (three) self help meetings per calendar week that they are in the program. Clients who fail to show evidence of self help meeting attendance for the first time are given 30 meetings in 30 days. Failure to attend the meetings a second time results in termination from the program. A positive test or failure to test also results in termination from the program and a request for referral into Track 2 is sent to the referring agency. Clients in Track 1 must have at least 120 days clean time in order to successfully graduate from the program. Track 2 has a requirement of 24 weekly groups and 4 individual counseling sessions. Track 2 clients have a requirement of 3 self help meetings per week and will be drug tested a minimum of 6 times over the course of 4 months. In addition, Track 2 clients must have at least 90 days clean time in order to successfully graduate from the program. The curriculum for the Track 2 program consists of 8 relapse prevention groups as well as education groups. This program is to help the client become a productive member of society while remaining clean and sober. Monthly progress reports are done on each client to ensure effective communication between court, probation and parole. The client is closely monitored for their well being and in cases of relapse mode, additional treatment is requested to give the client extra individual support that the client may need to address the issues at hand. The goal is to mobilize and use every tool available to implement and maintain an essential coordinated continuum of services to meet the individual’s interrelated needs, e.g., physical, psychological, supportive, educational, vocational, social and cultural. This program is currently being offered in our Newport Beach, Fullerton and Laguna Hills locations.
Locations Offered:
Substance Abuse Component Program or SAC is an outpatient substance abuse group that can be attended on a voluntary basis or court-ordered. It is a 6 – 12 month program (the length can also be adjusted to meet the client’s needs) that meets once a week for an hour and a half. In addition, clients may be required to attend at least one individual session per month. This program, which is offered in the evenings, is typically ideal for those clients who need outpatient treatment but are unable to attend during the day due to work schedules. This program is also available to any Probation or Parole clients and the requirements of the program can be tailored to the needs of the referring agency. Clients attending this group are required to attend a weekly self-help meeting of their choice and are randomly drug tested at least once a month (the frequency of testing can also be adjusted to meet the client’s or the referring party’s needs). This group has a strong emphasis on maintaining a continued long term sobriety. Clients that attend this group usually have had recent inpatient substance abuse treatment and are looking for extended care services for support in maintaining their sobriety. As we are a State-Certified substance abuse treatment facility we are able to utilize most PPO insurances (please call us today in order to verify if your health insurance has substance abuse treatment benefits) in addition to cash pay options. This program is currently being offered in our Newport Beach, Fullerton and Laguna Hills locations.